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Old 10-05-2007, 06:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Coonskinner View Post
You're missing my point, Sister.

The intent of this thread was to call in question the integrity of men who would disaffiliate.

Their act was compared to signing the AS and then violating it.

Nobody signed a statement promising never to disaffiliate.
They are part of an organization which ministerial ethics calls for not alienating a church from the UPC in any fashion and not using their leadership for such purposes. This is the problem with the AS. It makes everything in the manual subject to dot and tittle negotiation. Seriously, I have no issue with unaffiliating a church. What I have an issue with is the accusations that the cons have made for years about lying and bad spirits and other nonsense and now in all liklihood doing the same things in the name of protecting the people. It is not a moot point. I think all the name calling about hypocrisy has got to go. But then the cons wouldn't be cons.
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