Originally Posted by anapko81
Your answer is in your level of support for your present pastor. If you are comfortable with his leadership, then following him is not a problem. If you have any questions to your support, then you answered your own question.
If only it were easier than that my friend. I strongly appreciate my pastor and his stand on issues (especially with holiness standards). Where I differ is what I feel concerning other issues regarding how I feel about the UPC. I do not feel like the UPC is backslid because of one issue that got voted on at GC, there are others that think the UPC is backslid. I am reletively new to this conservative church, I am worried that if I do not "drop" my license as my pastor may do, then I am not certain that I will not be ostracized by the local assembly, and not seen as united with the church. I love this group of saints, but I still do not know them well enough to know if they will reciprocate my feelings towards them. I have lots of family and friends that are UPC, I am not going to cut them off because of a decision made by this group of brothers and sisters. I still haven't answered my own question even if I love this pastor and am comfortable with how he leads this group of saints. I was born UPC, I was bred UPC, so the answer to my "delima" will have to be wieghed out, and I do not expect anyone here to solve this one for me. Dan started a thread that interested me, and I was curious because of my current situation. Thanks for wondering though.