10-03-2007, 02:06 PM
Beaux's li'l buddy............
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 1,191
Originally Posted by IAintMovin
Totally bogus and untrue......but now that you have said it ...... oh my Lord it becomes Gospel.....see people how easy it is to spread lies, just type a few words on a little internet forum........
Socali....you are dead wrong here.....believe me I know........
I have left what I first posted as to prove that there is nothing to hide, in all honesty I was responding to the part of the post highlighted......my post was incomplete.....they were not offended that was untrue......the point I was attempting to actually make was that they were not offended but just didnt understand why ownership let untruths be left alone and were allowed to go unchallenged.......
My wording was very poor and I can totally see where it could be taken not the way it was intended.... I will take all the blame for that.......
My untrue and dead wrong were concerning the offended part..........they were not offended, they just didnt understand ownership allowing those things to run.....
this probably confuses the matter more, but I am just attempting to clear up the misunderstanding that I created......
Socali, I apologize to make it look as if I was saying you were speaking untruth........I am sorry......