Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
Good afternoon Gabby's
Just wanted yall all to know I am prayin for ya...
Carey.... You ARE gonna sell that house! You KNOW it had to be God for that other house to still be on the market as nice as it is so he isnt gonna let you lose it again
Everyone else is getting houses and moving and wow our lives are just full of fun huh... I am moving too (just would be nice if I knew where too LOL) I had about 20 people today ask me where we lived... funniest part is I couldnt answer them.... just said umm umm with mom and dad? LOL (with all of them knowing me and knowing I DO NOT live with mom and dad that required explanation so then it was well.... we are looking LOL)
Today was an interesting morning so far... went to church (uh huh I said it... I went to church)  And sat in on a wonderful sign language class first (wow do I feel out of practice watching that girl go!!! oh well gimme a few weeks and I will be back to my old self maybe  ) Saw people I havent seen in a billion years!!! I feel so old.... kids of kids of kids I mean even my miniature grooms like married or something like that!!! Then talk about feeling old... the pastor talks about cleaning out the church and having found some school year books.... OMG!!!!! I looked at them!!!! They were from uhhhh uhhhhh 25.....yes 25 yrs ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL!!!! I am soooooooo old!!!!!!!! It was bad nuff hearing oh is that your baby I havent seen her since she was 2 weeks old then them pulling out yearbooks from when I was 10 yrs old and everyone standing there going oh oh oh this is you this is you!!!! Oh well.... it was nice to be home I have to say it.... Never thought this old church trouble maker and problem child would ever end up back there ever again.... (Rhoni thanks for talking me into it... if for nothing else...healed a lot lot lot of old wounds)
The best part was I ran into my best friend who we had been best friends since we were 9 yrs old and she is just starting to get back in church and she was there!!!! And all dozen of her kids I think (whew and I thought I had a lot I think they took the whole pew LOL) All in all its been a good day!!!
(now dont tell nobody but me thinks I am actaully gonna go to church again tonight... just pray we have better results then last week ughhhh)
Hey Girl!!!
Thanks for the encouraging words...we only had 2 people come look today...the market is saturated in this area...we may need to list it with a Realtor. However, the one couple seemed very interested...I'll just keep praying! God is good!
I'm so glad you were in chuch this morning!!!

I prayed for you today!!!