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Old 09-24-2007, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by redeemedcynic84 View Post
my point was more that when the whole nation thought it was a racially motivated crime, they rioted...

Whether it actually was or not wasn't the point of what I said... lol
yeah, but...

Since the "nation" was literally mislead as to the motives involved with the R.K. saga...

and since motive is at the heart of these "hate crime" laws...

Shouldn't we remove that element that can be used to corrupt and even to circumvent our criminal justice system all together? Remove the "hate crimes" language. Just go with the already illegal things like it's wrong to assault and kill.

The police already have at their disposal "disturbance" and "disorder" types of charges that they can use against, say, a klansman who hangs a noose over a black judge's doorstep. That kind of thing is wrong and likely to provoke public disorder - but we've already got laws to deal with it.
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