[QUOTE]Could that be a reason why many oppose it? We already have hate Crime laws on the books...why do we need another one?[/QUOTE
Yes, that is why people oppose it... the problem is that there is NO WAY that this law could ever be applied that way... Go back and read the actual writing from the Bill that I posted...
It opens the door. The problem is if this bill is not worded specifically to say that only physical acts of violence such as physical assault and not verbal assault or words that could be said to incite physical assault or worse, then it can be loosely interpreted by any court in the land to prosecute Christians. So we need to closely examine this bill and how it is worded.
No, it doesn't open the door. Not even a homosexual would support "thought crime" legislation....
And, in case you didn't notice, I posted half of the bill and linked to the other half of the bill, go back and read it... It mentions "act of violence" specifically...
absolutely no way this can be interpreted as "verbal assaults" being included...
Exactly...this is RCs quote, not mine.
There is no way an "overzealous prosecutor" could do anything but tack a few years on the end of a sentence for this... turn 25 to life to 35 to life...
And again...exactly. RC says this was a biased source but they got it right...
No, they didn't, and I proved that later in the post when I actually posted the bill, keep reading, you'll find it...