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Old 08-27-2007, 11:54 AM
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BobDylan BobDylan is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
You were wrong in your first post and you are wrong now! You just can't seem to get it right - but thats OK - I have been where you are - I know the drill well.
I do know the Bible and I know what you believe and I do know that YOU ARE WRONG and you did judge me because of WHAT I DID NOT SAY on my web site and by how I looked - as you admitted to.
First of all, I did not "judge" you according to anything on your website, i simply asked two questions for further clarification. It was your needless condescension and insult in your first response to my questions that caused me to examine your character more closely and draw some less than noble conclusions. In my response to you I was VERY sharp, and inappropriately so, and I have admitted that. The biggest problem in this exchange is that after everyone else has cooled it, you continue with your challenges, condescension, and confrontation as you did in your last post "who is really apostolic". For starters, I am not one who stands idly by; I am engaging, especially when someone issues a challenge as you did AT THE FIRST, and here at the LAST.

Originally Posted by AtlantaBishop View Post
You have not and will not reveal your real identity and hide behind someone else's name and picture - shows how deceitful and untruthful you really are. COME ON OUT OF THAT CLOSET!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you say something about you going to GAY BARS????????? You know they say - what you think about - preach about and talk about all the time is usually what your PROBLEM IS! Now what was that about the gay bars you said???????? I have never even been to ANY bar - so I would not know - but maybe you could tell us about it!

Come on now - You started all this - REVEAL WHO YOU REALLY ARE and COME OUT of that CLOSET - there is help for you! If your struggling with issues - there is help for you.
It's obvious here that you have a fixation on the "gay bar" issue. After everyone else has moved on, your still "thinking" about it..... I suggest you come to terms with you YOU really are before worrying about who I am....
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