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Old 08-26-2007, 09:54 AM
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Originally Posted by BobDylan View Post
I can completely consider this, and it seems like a great possibility since you bring it up. But Dan has posted since I confronted him on his first goofy response, and he had a chance to read it and respond to it.. he could have easily said "I've been off this thing and hadn't read the last 14 pages, and did't see your attempts at conciliation etc...." and he could have expressed the same attitude of apology that I initially expressed to AB, but he didn't. Then he calls OP on the carpet for something that has already been hashed out... etc. etc. etc... If he wants to try to get on the right footing with me, I'm all for it, and will be as accomodating as possible... thanks for the reminder and consideration...

Ok...fine I read are sorry.
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