08-24-2007, 01:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 12,362
Originally Posted by Subdued
I found out what a "LAN Party" was this past summer when my 15 y.o. son & his friends had one - or two. My son plays WOW... but he also spends a lot of time going for walks, swimming, running (3-5 miles/day). He seldom misses school, gets straight A's, he rides his bike, walks two miles to the store - just to walk, he's social, has friends, and helps neighbors with yard work (for free/just because). He hardly ever watches TV (because "it's a waste of time"), he prefers to cook his own dinners, and he makes his own breakfast & lunch - every day. He's very physical - he works out daily; doing 18 chin-ups and around 3000 crunches (+ the running, swimming, biking and walking). He keeps his bedroom spotless without being told, and he does the dishes every day. He also takes out the trash (but usually has to be reminded), will clean the bathrooms when asked, and he seldom complains. When he *does* complain, he typically comes back & apologizes for it.
Oh, umm... I just thought I'd take this opportunity to brag about my son!  He's a good kid!
He sounds too good to be true.
You are blessed.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.