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Old 02-26-2007, 03:39 PM
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Still Figuring It Out.

Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 10,858
Since I did take the time to share a funny incident where someone made a "prophecy" I would like to also take the time to say that I do believe that there are true prophetic words given. Also as some have mentioned... sometimes it tells a future event and sometimes it speaks to the right now.

Several examples...

One saturday night I was up with a terrible flu type thing. No real outward symptoms (runny nose, hoarse voice etc) I just felt terrible and had congestion that just would not quit.

I got up that night and decided that God was going to heal this thing so I could get some rest. I challenged God to heal me. He did not. I spoke scripture... I spoke in absolute faith... nothing.

The next day we went to church. Not even my wife knew of the battle I had faced during the night. I was really upset about this because I had put God on the line and nothing had happened.

A visiting minister was there that day (one who is known for his operation in the prophetic) and during the service he called me out.

He said "Brother I see something right in here (moving his hand over my chest area) I just see something white in this area and it has really tried your faith. God is going to touch you right now brother... and he prayed for me.

I was healed... and I also knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that God knew exactly where I was.

Another example dealing more with the telling of a future happening...

My wife and I had been through 8 months of terrible car trouble. We had 3 vehicles and it was everything we could do to just keep one running enough to get me to work and back. For nearly 2 months we couldn't afford to pay any bills. It took all of our money to just keep a car running so I wouldn't lose my job.

One night on the way to church our car caught fire. We left it on the side of the road and walked to church. That night I danced around with my keys in my hand and the pastors wife said "That's right brother... claim a car" or something like that. I stopped the service and made it known (with all respect to the pastors wife) that I wasn't dancing with my keys claiming a car. I was dancing with my keys and telling the devil "Remember that sound"... Remember when My God took away the keys to death, hell and the grave"

He had tried to defeat me but I made it anyway and I was just making sure he knew that he was defeated one more time. SO Many stories I could tell about that 8 month period.

I remember one time my car died and the battery was dead. I was trying to get home to get to church. I remember standing behind Church's chicken in Minden Lousiana saying to God "You can make the lightning fly from the east to the west and all I need is 12 tiny volts" Ahhhh the memories.

One night the pastor called me out and said "Brother... I want to tell you something. You have been through a lot but I see a light at the end of the tunnel and it's not a train." He said... "God is fixing to send someone to you... someone you would least expect and your coming out of this trial"

Needless to see you would have done well to not be standing near me about that moment.

The next morning on the way to work... the transmission went out. LOL I was on my back... under my car... in the driving rain... with 1/4" to 1/2" constant flow of water parting around me like a rock in a river.... with a smile on my face. I had received a word.... I believed the word... and I had hope.

Not long after that a man knocked on my door who basically trusts no one. He has been through a lot has a very big "everybody is out to get me" type mentality and he doesn't do much for people because he is just afraid people will just want what he can do to help them.

he said "Do you know what my preacher preached on this morning?" "He preached on Jesus turning the water into wine. Do you know why Jesus turned the water into wine?

I answered "No sir"

He said... "No one was dying... no one was going to hell... why did he turn the water into wine?"

I still didn't know.

He said "Just to make people happy" He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys to a used car he had bought and spent several thousand dollars fixing it up real nice for his daughter. She didn't want it. It wasn't nice enough.

He threw the keys across the room to me and said... "Here.... just to make you happy"

Oh friend... there are people who tout their words as prophecies and God is nowhere near it. But through these instances and others like it I have seen the power that a word from God in due season has to shake a life thoroughly with the realization that the Almight God... the creator of this universe... He knows where I am and He cares.

And that realization.... is a life changing event.

(Okay... gotta go now... it's hot in here... my eyes are sweating )
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