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Old 06-29-2007, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post
Sam, ... I have to wonder why it is that people are fighting so hard against using TV today? don't they get it? Sure there's alot of vile stuff ON TV. But if we, as Christian people don't put out something polar opposite of the vileness, then the evil wins.

And if we do put programming out there, what an avenue for ministry the TV has the potential to be. Lives could be touched and changed that the church would never know about - but GOD WOULD!!!
I didn't grow up in a Christian home either. Until I was in my 20's I was the only one in my family who had been baptized in Jesus Name. I remember being so hungry for anything even Bible related that I would flip through the rather limited selection and find nothing at all in our area.

Once a friend and I watched Godspell - that came across as being rather silly and as a kid I was confused by it. Crucifying Jesus on a baseball backstop? I guess I wasn't sophisticated enough to understand the "art."

Books were my only outlet. I spent a whole year going through Hal Lindsey's Late Great Planet Earth when I was 11. No preacher, no teaching; just me, that book and my grandmother's bible.

When I was about 14 we moved into town. There was a UPC church just 2 blocks from my home but I always thought it was a Mennonite church, I think that's what some of the kids around had called it. I didn't even know what it was until I happened to attend a youth rally there several years later. "Oh! So this is the UPC church...?" Wow. Right there and it might as well have been invisible. They didn't even have a sign out front.

I worked out Oneness and Jesus Name baptism on my own. Later some people said, "God revealed it to you..." Perhaps. But to me it seemed like a lot of work and reading went into it. I really had to buck the culture I was in. It would have been nice to have had some friendly faces and voices to help out along the way. Seeing them on TV would have been helpful.
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