Re: Combo baptism in the titles and in Jesus' name
I know the Brother and Sister that started the church (some 50+ years ago, I assume) both have Oneness people in their family.
I'm a little off on the family tree, but the Brother's mother and sister belonged to another rural church that started Trinitarian. That changed when the leadership there was shown Jesus Name by another pastor. They corrected their doctrine and began teaching One God and baptism in Jesus' name.
The Sister, as I understand it, has a brother or a cousin that is an Apostolic pastor, and was one for decades. However, to put it nicely, this pastor had the right doctrine but with a hard spirit. He is well-known in our area for being hard about Oneness, baptism in Jesus' name, the Holy Ghost, and modesty, but without showing any love. I know people that have left his church because they were called "Jezebels" and "Delilahs" from the pulpit because they had public jobs and social media. There was one instance where this pastor told a young girl in the church that she was developing breasts early because she was playing with them.
So, yeah, this man wouldn't have won this late Sister to the Oneness doctrine. If anything, he probably pushed her from it, or at least made her unsure about it.
But, in saying that, these people had definite connections with Oneness people. They knew about and probably had heard teaching on baptism in Jesus' name on multiple occasions. But, for some reason, they didn't fully move forward with it.
As I said, this Brother and Sister have both passed away now, and I'm unsure who is in leadership at the church now. The only daughter I know of them having is also passed and she had backslidden from their church years ago. I don't know where said church is now on the Godhead or baptism.
But I have told my dad to encourage his friend to just come to our church. "A church alive is worth the drive."
I am Apostolic I believe in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism.
I believe in water baptism by immersion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins.
I believe in the baptism of the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
I believe in living a holiness lifestyle, inwardly and outwardly, without which no man shall see the Lord.