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Old 09-12-2024, 11:59 PM
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Re: Branham - light doctrine

Originally Posted by Amanah View Post
The Sowderites are a small, ultra-conservative Christian group that emerged in the 1970s, primarily in the United States. They are named after their founder, Charles Sowder, who claimed to have received visions and messages from God.

The Sowderites' eschatology (end-time beliefs) include:

1. Imminent return of Jesus Christ
2. Belief in a pre-tribulation rapture (Christians will be taken up before a period of tribulation)
3. Expectation of a global catastrophe and apocalypse
4. Focus on personal holiness and separation from the world
5. Rejection of modern Christianity as apostate
6. Emphasis on individual interpretation of scripture
7. Belief in a coming "great deception" and "antichrist" figure

The Sowderites are known for their:

1. Strict, legalistic lifestyle
2. Isolationism (separating from non-believers and other Christians)
3. Emphasis on prophecy and end-time events
4. Criticism of mainstream Christianity

The Sowderites believe in a doctrine called "The Two Classes of Saved" or "The Two Flocks." They teach that there are two distinct groups of saved people:

1. The "Bride of Christ" (or "The Little Flock"): This group consists of a smaller, more elite number of believers who are considered to be the most faithful and devoted followers of Christ. They believe this group will be raptured before the tribulation and will reign with Christ during the millennium.
2. The "Great Multitude" (or "The Larger Flock"): This group comprises a larger number of believers who are saved but are not as spiritually mature or faithful as the Bride of Christ. They believe this group will go through the tribulation and be saved, but will not reign with Christ during the millennium.

According to Sowderite teachings, the requirements for being part of the Little Flock (Bride of Christ) include:

1. Complete surrender and dedication to God
2. Living a sinless, holy life
3. Separation from the world and its influences
4. Total commitment to following Christ's teachings
5. Receiving a personal, direct call from God (often through visions or dreams)

Those who achieve this level of devotion and commitment are believed to be part of the Little Flock, destined for the pre-tribulation rapture and millennial reign with Christ.

In contrast, the Larger Flock (Great Multitude) consists of believers who:

1. Accept Christ as Savior
2. Live a good, moral life
3. Attend church and participate in religious activities
4. Support missions and evangelism

However, they may not have achieved the same level of spiritual maturity, dedication, or direct communication with God as the Little Flock.

Regarding the leaves of the Tree of Life, Sowderites reference Revelation 22:2, which says the Tree of Life has leaves for the healing of the nations. They believe:

- The Tree of Life represents Christ
- The leaves symbolize the Little Flock, who will provide spiritual healing and guidance to the Larger Flock during the millennium
- The Little Flock will have a special role in ministering to and teaching the Larger Flock during Christ's reign
I think this may be a different group?
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