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Old 09-08-2024, 11:13 PM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
Believe, Obey, Declare

Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tupelo Ms.
Posts: 3,929
About to drive to pick up my wife and daughter

Been talking to my wife for about a week after she unexpectedly reached out. Long story short, the Lord honors the covenants He is brought into. Its going to be a bit of transition. I have been sharing an apt with my dad in Tupelo Ms for the past 9 months and while that in itself has been a challenge, it has brought deep healing and further reconciliation with my father.

He is looking to get another apt in the same complex to remain close because he has work locally and he also works off doing shutdown work.

My wife needs some major healing and recovery from what she has been through as well as my daughter.

I woke up at 9:30 pm after intentionally sleeping to prepare to drive through the night and into the morning to Sanford NC and then going to get a hotel on the way back.

They will be with me for about 2 weeks and because I doordash and the like, I can do all of this while spending good quality time while not having to navigate time off with an employer.

My wifes health is already improving. We have been just comparing notes of how our life has been during the separation and its been pretty jaw dropping how the Lord was moving and how.

Ill say this, the victory was already declared and spoken before I left Louisiana back on Feb 29th after giving up my daughter in obedience to the Lord.

I can still hear myself crying out that night sitting on my front porch there in Olla"Cant you give me a sign of good faith?"

And Him responding,"Why dont YOU give ME a sign of good faith?"

The Lord sees, the Lord hears and the Lord answers.

His hand is not weak nor is it in His heart to do evil to His children.

Continue to keep us in prayer.

If you want to contribute to the trip or the move...we are going to be making multiple trips in my honda hatchback the Lord has blessed me with. It gets about 40mpg which has greatly increased my profits but we will end up needing a uhaul at some point.

My cashapp is $BoogieTalx

Any help would be greatly appreciated but if you can't, I completely get it and dont stress.

He sends me ravens constantly.

I cant tell you of all the moments of divine favor that has just come out of the woodwork since I have moved here not just for myself but for my dad as well and its happening to my friends I have met here too.

Ive had hundreds of interactions with the locals..some even know my story of how I got here. They have seen me consistent in my brokenness and seen His strength in spite of the struggle and now those same people are getting to see how He heals, reconciles and restores.

This is a good place....a healing place and for whoever mark it down...there is harvest here...GOOD harvest.

Im seeing a lot of discarded "wheat" and it aint cause of the kindness of Boaz but of carelessness of the, Im entering the fields of the Lord as a wretched gleaner praying my Father will have me as a servant.

Pray for us.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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