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Old 09-01-2024, 08:48 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Chris reed joins the ministry elite

Okay. Concerning the Apostolic/Pentecostal churches in relation to my earlier post about the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is in my opinion, screening out (albeit unintentionally) wholesome, sincere candidates for their priesthood. Meanwhile attracting the gay and pedophile flavor. What about us?

I’m concerned that we are screening out sincere candidates for the ministry while attracting those who are entirely willing to twist scripture and otherwise lie for money. When you think about the entire financial structure of the UPCI being dependent upon the lie of the tithe doctrine it begs the question.

If they will lie about money, what else will they lie about?
Possibly being faithful to their wife?
Maybe having a word from God for you?

If you have a person who is ethically challenged in the area of finance, where does it end? Maybe it crosses over to other issues.

Maybe we are unintentionally screening for morally and ethically compromised people in the ministry. And maybe we are losing respect for the ministry (another thread, I know) as a result of the ministry being less respectable.

To quote a preacher (I’ve actually heard it from multiple preachers) “if you can’t trust me with your money, why would you trust me with your soul”?

To which I would reply, “ If I can’t trust you to be truthful about money, I will surely NOT trust you with my soul “.

I will “work out my own salvation with fear and trembling” like the scripture admonishes me to do.
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