Now, this thread couldn't possibly be complete without our very own Chris Reed. Here is a video of one his Edgar Cayce moments. He will go into vagueness and describe the future. With all the garbage going on and hysteria in the headlines. Our pencil trimmed moustache and bearded friend will tell us how this coming eclipse tomorrow will bring a "shaking" possible earthquake (he doesn't mention that, but he'll score if there is one.) this event will lead up to a DNC in Chicago Aug 19th 2024 – Aug 22nd 2024 will be like DNC 1968? He brings up 1968 DNC because of the assassination of Robert F Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. in 1968. April 4th 1968 Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F Kennedy June 6th 1968. Mr. Reed tells his followers that there will be an assassination "attempt" during the course of his timeline. Funny how these clairvoyants modify their own prophecies as they're presenting them. In 1968 the two individuals given to us were assassinated. No attempts, but their assassins succeeded.
There is also a lot to unpack concerning those events leading up to everything that happened in 1968. 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, 1963 JFK , 1964 Gulf of Tonkin, 1965 Malcom X, 1967 Arab Israel War, 1968 Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968 Tet Offensive.
We have the same amount of hullabaloo happening ( which we could also cherry pick other timelines which would give us similar results) but no assassinations. Assassination attempts are not the calling card of the 1960s.
Chris Reed, needs to go back to sleep and find out more about Ron DeSantis' oil spill that was supposed to happen while DeSantis was running for President. Joe Biden also wasn't supposed to finish out his presidency. You don't need to be a clairvoyant to even guess that. But, Biden is still eating chocolate chip ice cream. Yet, 1968 has two notable leaders of civil rights get assassinated. Or maybe Chris Reed should of studied that 1968 newspaper a little closer. Look at the video and listen how Chris Reed interprets April 8th 2024 and beyond.