Thread: Genesis 6
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Old 03-26-2024, 06:40 PM
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Re: Genesis 6

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
The individuals in S&G wanting to SA the angels doesn’t prove Genesis 6:2 is speaking of angelic beings procreating with mortal females and giving birth to enormous offspring. It’s Jewish mythology to say different flesh was angels having sexual relations with humans.
The argument is used mostly by people trying to acquit the Sodomites of sodomy. They argue "strange flesh" means "flesh of a different kind" which (they say) is the opposite of HOMOsexuality, so therefore they wanted relations with non-humans.

But the Scripture shows they wanted "the men", they thought they were men not demigods. Also the NT points out it was the surrounding cities as well, showing the going after strange flesh was a recurring local custom not a one off event sparked by an angelic visitation to one house in one town on one night.
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