Thread: Genesis 6
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Old 03-26-2024, 03:26 PM
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Re: Genesis 6

Originally Posted by votivesoul View Post
Exactly so. Thank you for proving my point. The Sons of God ARE NOT angels. They are an entirely different class of spirit beings (See my response to Amanah here, and the taxonomy therein).

That is the clear, that is, explicit point of the text. But the implicit point of the text is what accompanies marriage. The main point of God instituting marriage in Genesis, is so that the man and woman would no longer be two, but one flesh. The purpose of the oneness of flesh between Adam and Eve was to generate offspring (Genesis 1:28 and Genesis 2:18-25).

Further, note the text in Jude:

Jude 1:7 (ESV),

The ESV phrasing "unnatural desire", or "strange flesh" in the KJV, comes from the Greek σαρκὸς ἑτέρας - sarkos heteras, from the Greek word for flesh, and "another", that is, of "a different kind".


The men of Sodom sought to "know" the men, that is, the two angels who originally accompanied the Angel of the LORD when God came down to speak with Abraham and Sarah about conceiving Isaac (See Genesis 18).

This is a clear sexual reference. The men of Sodom desired sexual relations with a "different kind" of flesh. That is, they somehow knew these "men" were embodied angels (or at least, more than just normal humans like they were) and, apparently, wanted whatever benefits or boons they believed their miscegenated relations with them would grant them.
The individuals in S&G wanting to SA the angels doesn’t prove Genesis 6:2 is speaking of angelic beings procreating with mortal females and giving birth to enormous offspring. It’s Jewish mythology to say different flesh was angels having sexual relations with humans.
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