Sanford NC
Looking to relocate to the Sanford NC area and was wondering if anyone on the forum might be familiar with the area?
Dealing with rough situation with my wifes health. Shes been up in NC since the beginning of December with her parents working on getting her medically reestablished there. It would have been July had she stayed in Louisiana.
Its me and my kid now and Im having to be husband at a distance and Im struggling to make sense of all this and keep things afloat. Bills are taken care of by the most part by inlaws and we miraculously got back on foodstamps.
This was back to back after me losing my job and then a month after Katherine got sick after losing hers.
We hung in there for a while until we absolutely needed more help and my mil was able to come down for a month.
Im still trying to homeschool the best I can but mentally and emotionally Im struggling with everything thats going on.
Im struggling with lonliness and despair while trying to remain functional and shield my kid from the worst of whats going on in life and the world.
Im trying to take every opportunity to just teach her all I can during this time and be a halfway decent dad.
Please please keep us in prayer.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.