Originally Posted by mfblume
I once had an abridged version of a book called Catholicism against itself. And Catholic writings admitted openly that they took Pagan elements and use them in worship such as candles. In their mind, it was maybe the same thing as Jesus conquering death, because they would take a pagan Temple and convert it to Christian Church to show that the truth had victory over error. I've never heard them reason it like this, but Jesus took The Devil's weapon of death and used it against the devil. So, they actually referred to it as baptizing those rites into the Catholic Church. They openly acknowledge that. I don't believe we should do that at all because Ezekiel chapter 20 tells us to not mix God's name with idols.
I wonder what the intent was initially. For instance, if you are a Christian convert from a pagan society, the religion has become part of your culture and not just your religion.The people who have lived under that false religion cannot simply cut out certain things. To permit pagan converts to continue in some of their customs provided they are no longer worshiping those false gods seems like their liberty. Although, as the church grew in a society, culture would progressively change in a direction that brings glory to God.
Our calendar may have pagan connections, but the U.S. Government would have to officially change our calendars. It is too interwoven into our way of life to just say I am going to quit using it and go to another calendar. I Dont advocate Santa teaching