Originally Posted by votivesoul
No disrespect taken or perceived, I assure you.
I am happy to answer your questions.
First, I've never worked anywhere where I qualified for some kind of Christmas bonus, or a week off with pay, apart from vacation or PTO. In fact, I regularly volunteer to work secular holidays because they don't mean anything to me. Now, it happens that the last several years where I've worked, those places of employment close on Christmas day, and I have no control over that, but I recently worked Thanksgiving, even though I didn't have to, and I am working this Christmas Eve. I never participate in any Secret Santa programs, either. I also let everyone I know with whom I work, including my employers that I do not celebrate the day.
Apart from those things, there is something else here that needs to be addressed, regarding your question. It is the rare company indeed that just gives out actual Christmas bonuses, no matter what is claimed. The reality is, what most companies are doing at this time of year, is giving out End of Year Tax-Deductible Charitable Gifts and Donations for themselves, which they call "Christmas" bonuses, or etc. There is a difference.
Make no mistake. It's not about a company or corporation actively celebrating the Mass of Christ with gifts in the same way most people's families and/or friends give gifts to each other this time of year, in honor of the pagan holy day.
So, if a secular company gives out an End of Year, Tax-Deductible Charitable Gift or Donation, we really shouldn't think of it as a "Christmas" bonus or gift. In fact, it's not really even a gift given to you. It's a gift given to themselves, to help them with their own financial success, especially if the company or corporation has suffered any losses that year.
Be that as it may, I will tell you that the first year I stopped celebrating the Mass of Christ, my dad still offered me two hundred dollars for me to buy gifts for my kids, and I turned him down, but that's as close as I've personally ever come to being given any kind of Christmas bonus.