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Old 09-19-2022, 08:08 PM
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Re: History of Tithes in the Church

Originally Posted by good samaritan View Post
If I teach the church that Abraham tithed to Melchizedek, is that false doctrine?

If I then say, we can (not must) tithe of our monetary increase to support the ministry of the local church, I fail to understand how that is a doctrine.

It is merely a method of giving among many, but it does have biblical background that is not just imagined out of thin air.

I don’t believe we are required to observe the Sabbath, but I still believe we have liberty to do so. It is necessary to teach the Sabbath as biblical history and as a forshadowment of the things to come. There is a moral obligation to not oppress people to work without giving periods of rest that can still be understood from the Sabbath. Which is the reason we have labor laws in the U.S.

Same thing with tithing monetary gains, we aren’t lawfully bound to give 10%. Although, we are at liberty to do so and it is beneficial. If a person is unable or just doesn’t feel good about it (feel it is bondage), they have the liberty to decide for themselves how and when to give.

That is not false doctrine. I understand that most apostolic churches may not teach it that way. Instead of making enemies we should be praying for the Lord to lead them into truth on the subject. There is another extreme that is just as bad on the other side of the spectrum and that is selfishness and greed. Some will not give anything and tithing is resented because they refuse to give.
It's a waste of time, bro. He's not reading what you are saying. A made-up mind is a closed mind and you cannot reason with it.

"Many Christians do not try to understand what was written in a verse in the Bible. Instead they approach the passage to prove what they already believe."
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