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Old 08-27-2022, 01:38 AM
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Re: History of Tithes in the Church

Originally Posted by mfblume View Post
Since these needs arise not all of the time, it is easy! Although you are exaggerating the context of using the term full-time. Very weak attempt. Even full-time secular jobs leave plenty of time for a person to enjoy family, friends and recreation, But yet they are still called full-time employees.
The discussion is the contrast between full time ministry vs secular employment. It was framed as "Paul could have done full time ministry with no secular employment but he chose to do both, whereas ministers today can forego secular employment".

It was argued that Paul's instructions to the elders of the church in Ephesus was NOT instruction for ministers to do secular employment as an example or paradigm for today's minister, and then later it shifted to a minister can do both.

So my question was how does a minister FOREGO secular work while simultaneously doing secular work?

Your answer was a weak attempt at deflecting to something I didn't bring up. It was others insisting full time ministry precludes secular work. I simply noted that most full time ministers aren't actually full time. The Bible shows what full time ministry is, 99 and a half percent of ministers I've ever known don't do it the Bible way, and yes 99 and a half won't do just like the song says.
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