Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
Praying ( I mean that) you never get it.
Thank you for your prayers. But, actually the above has a lot to do with my question I asked you concerning herd immunity.
Originally Posted by Sister Alvear
..and I do think a lot has to do with the immune system...however I am not a doctor or anything like that ...so I really don't have answers. I know I had it and almost died...
Yes, it does have a lot to do with a good healthy immune system. Therefore I asked you the question concerning herd immunity. The whole, "I'm not a doctor" defense is quickly dealt with "did you take biology in school?" Simply, we are taught in High School about immunity in biology. But, even if you were sleeping through that class, you as an adult wouldn't need to go through four years of medical school, to give me the simple answer concerning herd immunity.
Here is WebMD's definition.
"Herd immunity, or community immunity, is when a large part of the population of an area is immune to a specific disease. If enough people are resistant to the cause of a disease, such as a virus or bacteria,
it has nowhere to go. While not every single individual may be immune, the group as a whole has protection."
We are over two years into the whole COVID hullabaloo, therefore just by basic herd immunity alone makes the odds of ME getting the virus even less. That's forgoing your heartfelt prayers for me not to get it. Which I covet by the way. Now, let's add a vaccine (with multiple boosters) into the mix. The reason for vaccines is to speed up herd immunity, so couple the vaccines with natural herd immunity and now my odds of getting this so called COVID flu bug is even more greatly reduced. This is all good news, for everyone. Even you Pepsi Cola Birthday Cake eaters. The bug has run its course, the bad news and evil tidings to people like me, is all but removed. We made it through the tribulation and are sitting happy on the other side of the red sea. Praise Jesus in His wonderful administration of giving His children the ability to think, and to process logic. What a wonderful King we have in Jesus that He does not cater to fear mongering, but caters to peace and joy in the Holy Ghost.