Thread: Roe v Wade?
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Old 05-11-2022, 03:50 PM
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Re: Roe v Wade?

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
It does appear so.
The amazing thing is that most of these protests are in states that will have no changes to their abortion laws.
So, the great re-sort will continue!
I think this leak will cause a lot of pressure on the court members who might otherwise cave, that is, those who are currently a part of the majority decision penned by Alito. I don't think he will cave, nor will Thomas. But I am not so certain about the rest.

Plus, I think this will get drawn out until after Breyer vacates and Brown replaces him. Not sure what impact that might have, as well.

And if it happens that one of the justices was the source of the leak, then I suppose that justice will be impeached and probably removed, and any decisions that the court is scheduled to reach will be tabled until afterward.
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