Originally Posted by good samaritan
Does anyone on here have any experience with autism that you don’t mind sharing on. I am not one who is quick to say someone is possessed, but could it be that many cases of autism is actually possession appreciate your feedback.
Autism used to be called childhood schizophrenia. Definitely spiritual in origin.
Remember when you deal with multiple situations with different people involved but all their symptoms are identical, then look towards the spiritual.
Symptoms include anger uncontrolled, seizures, etc. No physical causes, like a broken finger or etc, but one day the child begins to exhibit traits.
We deal very heavily with this particular oppression/ possession in our dealing with the Lds. The FLDS are even worse. In their clans it is overwhelming the numbers of kids diagnosed with autism.
As we work with them more and more we see patterns in their families going back generations. Perversion, witchcraft, drug dependence.
Autism is spiritual based. With non LDS, prayer for deliverance is a start. Talk with the parents, see where some open doors might be.