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Old 01-13-2022, 08:40 AM
1 God 1 God is offline

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Re: What's your view on Hell?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Ok, so you don't believe the Old Testament where the dead were sleeping with their fathers (ancestors). That Jesus explains to His followers that He was about to awaken someone who was sleeping DEAD. Jesus said they were unconscious as in sleep state. Ecclesiastes 9:5 is plain in its statement that the dead are unconscious of anything. Again, you bring up Revelation 6:9, as to say that it is literal, therefore you must believe that under an altar is also a holding place for deceased souls? Yes? No? Why didn't the writer tell us in Revelation 6:9 that these souls were in Abraham's Bosom? The writer doesn't tell us anything like that because there is no place of the dead called 'Abraham's Bosom." Also we have no holding place of the dead under an altar explained to us anywhere else in the Bible. So, you like others who butcher the Biblical text to prove your religious rantings you simply disregard the need to find primary sources in the scripture to prove a "holding place" for the dead. That the grave isn't what Solomon explained it to be, a place of unconsciousness. But a Roman Catholic purgatory.

Sean, doctrine is the least of your worries.

Spirits are not laying in dust.
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