Re: What's your view on Hell?
Originally Posted by coksiw
I have had a very good debate with Esaias. He posted many good things and I acknowledged his good points. I have also flooded this thread with Scripture and explanations. Where have you been? 
I see that you never acknowledged what I pointed out in your post. You admitted that the story of Eliezer/Lazarus is the only place where you can use as a place of torments. Yet, you can't find anywhere a place called "Bosom of Abraham" is found in the Old Testament. Death was a state of sleeping in the Old Testament. The dead weren't aware of anything because of their state of sleeping in death. In John 11:11 Jesus explains this to His followers. How do you have Abraham, Eliezer/Lazarus and the rich man awake in an after life, and Jesus explaining that in Lazarus (brother of Martha, and Mary) is asleep, and needed to be brought back from the dead was to be awakened?
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence