Remember when politicians and the media screamed bloody murder about anyone who compared C19 to the flu? Oh, how the times have changed.
Christ Hayes of MSNBC had a similar take on Wednesday, likening COVID-19 to the seasonal flu...
"The risk went from something that we hadn't really dealt with specifically like this before in our lifetimes - we hadn't quite had an illness this infectious and this possible to cause serious illness - to something that does look more like the flu. The flu of course can still be dangerous, but we don't orient our lives around the flu. So that's closer to the level of risk that 200 million Americans are now dealing with.
"As we recognize that COVID-19 is not a deadly or even severe disease for the vast majority of responsible Americans, we can stop agonizing over 'cases' and focus on those who are hospitalized or at risk of dying", (Jennifer) Ruben tweeted.
Ruben had previously been vociferous in criticizing Republicans whom she felt were not taking the virus seriously enough.
Amazing how, now that most Americans have stopped fearing the virus, they suddenly discover that it's not something to alter your life over. Oh, they'll still try to claim everyone needs to get the jab, but they realize that they've overplayed their hand and are now starting to backpedal.