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Old 11-28-2021, 09:41 AM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
Believe, Obey, Declare

Join Date: May 2008
Location: Tupelo Ms.
Posts: 3,929
Re: Update on situation*dont worry its good news*

We had a meeting with the landlord and his wife. Sweet older couple. Checked the apt out. Its roomy with fridge and stove included and central heat with 2 window units.

Its been occupied long term and vacated before the covid mess.

The landlord said that he had just opened back to renting it out because of all the people not paying their rent.

The timing was exact.

It wasnt even on the market and the only reason we found out about it was that Kat and Abby were out knocking doors, witnessing and praying for people living near the church and they went to those apartments.

We signed an open lease so we arent locked in to a certain length of time and we already have the keys.

Heres an even crazier inlaws sent us $900 yesterday.

No joke.

God has been giving us words between just me and Katherine and also through others and we are watching everything fall exactly into place as spoken...even down to the money coming in.

My only concern now is getting 2 beds and a washer and dryer and also getting my vehicles running.

I get CRAZY markdowns on what I get from my job and it just comes out of my check in 10 payments.

There is such a feeling of peace and relief we have.

We are currently sneaking stuff out so that when the time comes itll be quick.

Thank you for all your prayers.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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