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Old 08-05-2021, 02:52 PM
Tithesmeister Tithesmeister is offline
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Re: Bro Epley's Racine Apostolic Church Camp Meeti

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
Not to quibble over small disagreements, but...
I've been in this thing for a long time and my family has been in it since we were kicked out of the AOG.
And I have never heard anyone preach against radio.
Now, I am sure it did happen, as some preached against everything from fresh air to sunshine.
But, it was not the issue that TV was.
And some have preached against all kinds of sin, only to fall into that very sin.
I would agree that you can get more on your phone or computer, than you can probably get on TV, these days.
Still, I will not tear down a fence that was put up by many elders that I respected.
And a fence that I know they had built with prayer, fasting, tears and sweat.
I haven稚 heard anyone preach against radio either, but I知 confident that it happened. I have heard preaching against internet and Facebook and the like with my own ears.

As far as family in Pentecost, I致e got longevity in my bloodline as well. My grandfather held a UPCI license dating back to 1948, maybe earlier. He was oneness before it was cool. But I知 not counting on his experience. I知 checking the Bible. If he痴 been Pentecostal since the upper room and he doesn稚 line up with the Bible, I知 gonna go with the Bible.

On the second bolded statement, my point is twofold:

1: The scripture is clear about headship. The order of headship is Jesus, the husband and the wife. For a pastor to set policy in my home is to circumvent that order of headship. I know it happens, but I知 not aware of any Apostolic instruction in the New Testament that allows that disruption.

2: Regardless how much prayer, fasting and tears he has put in, if he contradicts scripture I値l do my part to follow the scripture. If he has a problem with that then I値l give him a Bible study. I知 not getting an attitude about it. I知 just saying what it is. Now he may be right or wrong, and all the prayer, fasting and tears may bring him to a decision that is right for his family, and I may come to the same conclusion that he did, but for him to circumvent my authority and responsibility to lead my family is just wrong IMHO.
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