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Old 08-05-2021, 01:38 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Bro Epley's Racine Apostolic Church Camp Meeti

Originally Posted by Tithesmeister View Post
It is debatable whether television qualifies as an ancient landmark, but if it does, radio certainly qualifies as a more ancient landmark.

I said something to my grandmother about the evils of television and how the preachers preached against it many years ago. She told me that they used to preach against radio like they do now about television. The implication being that they would eventually cease preaching against television.

Time has proven her point to a large extent. Obviously some still preach against television, but it is surely becoming more and more rare. It may well go extinct, much like preachers preaching against radio. The path seems to be similar.

They went from preaching against radio, to preaching on the radio.

They went from preaching against the internet, to preaching on the internet.

They went from preaching against Facebook, to having a Facebook account, and preaching on Facebook.

They went from preaching against television?? . . .

Say what you want, but I think I see a trend developing here.
Not to quibble over small disagreements, but...
I've been in this thing for a long time and my family has been in it since we were kicked out of the AOG.
And I have never heard anyone preach against radio.
Now, I am sure it did happen, as some preached against everything from fresh air to sunshine.
But, it was not the issue that TV was.
And some have preached against all kinds of sin, only to fall into that very sin.
I would agree that you can get more on your phone or computer, than you can probably get on TV, these days.
Still, I will not tear down a fence that was put up by many elders that I respected.
And a fence that I know they had built with prayer, fasting, tears and sweat.
If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under - Ronald Reagan
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