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Old 08-04-2021, 05:06 PM
mont.preterist mont.preterist is offline
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Re: Bro Epley's Racine Apostolic Church Camp Meeti

What was funny about this campmeeting is that Bro Morton preached against TV, (Didn't know anybody did that anymore) and that church was live streaming it on YOUTUBE!!!!!!


Oh the irony!!!

Got a friend of mine that went to the meeting, he saw Bro F....... from Cali there. He told him that he had been on youtube and this Bro F started to rebuke him. Then this friend told him that he had seen that Bro F was on youtube from this meeting!!!! Bro F..... about went ballistic.

This is as funny as it can be when you think about it.

So Bro E has a campmeeting and videotapes and livestreams everything on Youtube, the ultracons go thinking that they are standing for something because they preach against TV but still want to preach at the camp meetings.....

Bunch of WPF folks show up who supposedly got out of the UPCI for the use of video and broadcasting on TV (So's their reason went!) and Bro E videos them all and livestreams it!!!!!

Oh my stomach hurts from laughing!!!!
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