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Old 05-30-2021, 05:42 PM
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Re: HCQ/Ivermectin/Vaccines/Covid

I decided to be the family guinea pig. I got the first dose of the Moderna vaccines yesterday morning. The day went well. I was my chipper self until….

The chills came. I was cold. My feet were freezing cold. I laid down to go to bed. Then the body aches arrived.

I fell asleep at some point. I woke to use the restroom… and it hurt to walk. Diabetic neuropathy intensified a million percent. My feet and hands felt like they were on fire. My feet felt like they were being stabbed with needles.

I managed to fall asleep again at some point. I woke up to my roomie banging on my door to see if I had survived… as it was 2:00pm and I had not come out of my room, nor could they hear me snoring like a bear.

I have that weird feeling again. My body responded to the vaccine as if I had COVID. Which is the point. But that feeling…. It’s not like a cold… not like the flu. Just a foreign feeling in my body.

It is not likely that I am going to get the 2nd dose of the vax a month from now.
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