Thread: Basic Standards
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Old 02-20-2021, 08:58 AM
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Amanah Amanah is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sebastian, FL
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Re: Basic Standards

What I believe about Holiness Standards
and no, I'm not going to debate it.

Love for God and love for others:
keep the commandments (all 10) thereby showing love for God and others
Serve God by staying in the word and in prayer, and assembly with the body of Christ.
Its about a right heart attitude (submission) towards God and others.

Separation from the world:
Guard you eyes and heart from worldly entertainment that glorifies sin, including almost everything put out by Hollywood and on TV.
Don't send children to public schools to be educated by the government, provide them a Christian education

Modesty in dress:
Men and women covered, no revealing or tight clothes.
No ostentation or expensive clothes.
No pants on women as a modesty issue, because it reveals a women's shape.
Deut 22:5 IMO, is not about pants, its about women not wearing a warriors garb, or a soldiers garb, or a uniform representing male authority. No dresses on men because that is cross dressing in our society.
If I'm at home, just me and my husband, and I want to wear yoga pants to work out, or sleep in Pj's, I do, cause like I said, I think its a modesty issue.

In Cor 11, I see long hair on women and head covering both in the passage. I think if you fell asleep chewing gum and it got stuck in your hair and you had to cut it out, pffft. The issue is to let your hair grow long. I personally don't cut or trim my hair, but don't believe a trim now and again would be a sin.

One other thing, if you are going to wear sandals, french pedicure for the win!

Last edited by Amanah; 02-20-2021 at 09:59 AM.
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