Re: The United States NEEDS to Repent or Die.
Originally Posted by Esaias
Locke made the same fundamental mistake as Abelard and Aquinas and the other scholastics (possibly excepting Anselm), which is they attempted to reinterpret Scripture in conformity with Graeco-Roman philosophy.
Locke certainly operated within the cultural bounds of his day. I have no doubt he believed himself a bona fide Christian and that he was doing God's work.
But the proof is in the pudding.
Locke, Grotius, and other Enlightenment philosophers laid the foundation for humanism, getting further and further away from Divine Revelation, until we wind up where we are today: a godless, Christless society whose basis of jurisprudence and ethics has abandoned any reliance on God and His Word. The quotes I gave from Locke are a clear example and demonstration of the fatal flaw in his philosophy of government. He begins with assuming as true something that is completely untrue, and the rest is history. Literally.
Hey brother can I use this and send it to the church family?
Very good.
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence