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Old 12-20-2020, 12:22 PM
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Re: Sid Roth, Branham, Cain, and Reed

Originally Posted by Nicodemus1968 View Post
Branham a teaching.

He taught that the fall in the garden was connected to an adulterous affair Eve had with the serpent.

He believed he was the 7th angel to proclaim the word in the age of the Laodicean time.

He believed God is not omnipresent

He believed the Catholic Church was mystery Babylon.

He believed that those who do not believe in “the message” are lower class believers.

He used to tell his followers that he wanted to be poor and all his money is donated to missionaries. Well, at his death he had a couple million left in his account, that was probably just taking longer than usually to make it to the foreign field.
It is satanic to believe Mystery Babylon is the Catholic Church?

I find it extremely hard to believe that Branham denied God is omnipresent.

This is the first time I ever heard he died a millionaire. Always heard he labored hard to pay off a 40 thousand dollar tax debt till the day he died.
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