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Old 12-18-2020, 07:28 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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Re: Don't bet against Trump

Originally Posted by n david View Post
A couple weeks ago there was some Dem House Rep who wrote to Pelosi asking she not seat the GOP House members who continue to back Trump.

This would be an incredibly stupid move by the Dems. They paid dearly for Harry Reid allowing the nuclear option. This could backfire majorly whenever the GOP wins control of the House and if they had a House Speaker who wanted to play hardball with the Dems.

Dems better hope she's bluffing, because this would set a precedent that could really hurt them in the future.

One thing about the wording of Section 3. It says that Congress must choose Electors chosen by the "legitimate tribunal" of the States. The constitution clearly makes the State Legislatures the legitimate tribunal in the case of choosing electors.
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