Re: Don't bet against Trump
Originally Posted by Esaias
Lol! 400 miles. Thanks for the update. That'll definitely fit the definition of a "big beautiful wall".
Took him 3 years to figure out what everybody else has known since at least 1963?
Get outta here with that cope.
Isn't it amazing to say the least. Maybe if anyone ever noticed but I keep asking people "is Donald Trump a king?" We have a system where at best each president gets 4 years to do what they said they would do. When they first ran for office. What I find as funny, is that the Obamaites said the same thing about his first four years. So did the G Dubs about his rule and reign. It's either the most powerful job in the world or it isn't. But the truth of the matter is this, it doesn't matter who is in the Oval Office. The real power is everyone else in Washington D.C. But it seems that everyone sees Donald Trump as a king. Therefore he obviously must stay in power until he is finished then passes it on to another one just like him. It took the Donald three years to see what he was up against? For the love of logic, my lands, who are we dealing with here? Wally Cox as Mr Peepers? The Donald just didn't know what he was coming up against??? Not until he walked into the Swamp??? Then he said, "boy oh boy, I'm going to have to have more than four years to get this job done! I wonder if I could stay indefinitely?"
Then all the people said "AMEN!"
"all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
~Declaration of Independence