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Old 12-05-2020, 04:36 PM
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Re: The Manchild Ministry 45 Minutes

Originally Posted by Michael The Disciple View Post
No we do not agree. The manchild is a corporate HE not an it. And if you watched my video you would have seen the time frame given for the vision was NOT the first century.

But since Preterists start with a wrong premise that Revelation already happened in century 1 its hard for them to see anything different.

So you dont think the enemy (devil) is trying hard to kill the gospel today?
The only premise I start with is the time statements of Revelation, of " the time is at hand," shortly come to past," which so many whistle past those verses so as not to notice them.

I didn't say the enemy isn't trying to kill the gospel of Jesus today, but you seem to be trying to force it's intended meaning to those the book was addressed to, and make it be for you today?

No. The setting in Revelation 12 was directed to the Christians and the gospel of Jesus during that time, but God protected her in the wilderness when she left Jerusalem during the siege by the gentiles.
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