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Old 10-06-2020, 09:57 AM
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Re: I'll be the first to say it

Originally Posted by TJJJ View Post
Elections in this country are funny, and the judging after is quite skewed.

Take for instance the "Popular vote versus the electoral vote.

Hillary appeared to win the popular vote by almost 3 million more votes, but even that is not really an indicator of the real popular vote.

Let me give an example of that.

In many strong Trump states many who would have and could have voted for Trump didn't. Why? because they knew that in their state the electoral was already destined for Trump so.. why bother? They just sat at home and watched it play out. The problem with that is for the record, their vote didn't matter.

Clintons people were more galvanized to vote and they did, but they still lost the electoral vote in most states thus giving Trump the victory.

I see a situation today that is much more polarizing than 4 years ago. We are closer to civil war in many areas than ever before. I fully expect more people to get out and vote than 4 years ago. It is going to be interesting, that is for sure.
A candidate has to win from 3-5% of the popular vote to win the electoral college. Hillary only got 2%.
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