Originally Posted by Holy Roller
In concluding my stay on my soapbox, I want to again clarify that I do believe people in denominational churches can receive the genuine Spirit of God. The issue is if they do not accept Biblical essentials. If they deny what the Bible says and what their Holy Ghost is trying to reveal to them, I do believe God will eventually leave them. That will leave them praying in a tongue that's no longer anointed or sent by God.
That's my point too. In addition to that, sometimes reality is more complex that we think, and we oversimplify things.
I received the Holy Spirit in an Assembly of God church. It was an authentic experience. Nobody was praying for me and forcing me to speak tongues or nothing like that. After it, God began to use me in healings, including instant ones. I can tell that even though I had that experience, I felt a struggle to find the presence of God, however I sought him. Overtime, He guided me to Oneness and baptism in Jesus' name. It opened a new dimension of my worship. I began to feel God much closer and more often.
That being said, I don't judge some elders when they struggle to change the traditional way of interpreting stuff. Elders tend to be more afraid of changes. If I look at their fruit, I can say they are as righteous as a Oneness pentecostal. I don't know what the Lord does to those people when they die.
I just keep preaching and practicing the true, and challenging them with the truth as well, hoping to convert some
