Thread: Free Seattle
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Old 06-21-2020, 10:33 AM
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Re: Free Seattle

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post
Bro, the Admin doesn't have to do anything. Some men need to act like men, and stop behaving like teenage girls when they feel slighted. Pretty much Mike acts like a girl at times. Complains about things which no one honestly cares about. Everyone is here to have fun, but Mike is a ecclesiastical high school diva, and see everyone else "Especially those who believe in Brand X eschatology" as his opponents. Go back and follow everything from Mike wanting to start a hair pulling contest with Brother Blume. His great zeal in wanting to expose the PRETERISTS, is got old a long time ago. He stirs the stink, and then when he gets a punch in the nose he starts to whine like he broke a nail. Through runny mascara weeping eyes he brings our attention to the lack of audience on the forum (meaning that he no one here reading his revelations) but that has been explained to him. That with Facebook, and all the other social platforms out there Vbulletin forums are fossils. Other forums which were also like the Vbulletin here are ghost towns with just a few or none posting. Mike is gloom and doom, maybe because his eschatology is all about things constantly going to hell, and every bad news report to be relished because it just brings us a little closer to a brighter day.
But, it's all a carrot on a stick.

Mike, do you have bad posture? Do you slouch when you walk? Contemplate this on the tree of woe.
Blessings Dom.
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