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Old 05-31-2020, 12:32 AM
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Re: Will you take the Corona Vaccine?

Originally Posted by Evang.Benincasa View Post

Yes, because then you can say you died from it.

Clearly your no, mean yes.

Precautions? They aren't precautions, they are liberal bleeding heart fashion statements. Wearing a mask, wearing gloves, holding up a line of people, so you can look back self righteously as you rub yourself down in hand sanitizer.

Oh this is the smug YES! That you proudly say to anyone who doubts the great and powerful OZ. Which dictates that we should propagate the stupid social distancing, and self quarantine circus.

Here is where stupid meets logic. Then why in the name of common sense were you self quarantining and mask wearing when we had other pandemics hit our shores???? You didn't, you didn't wear a mask, or want others to stay home and lose their jobs. To destroy a whole entire industry like cruise ships. Who all the people who once worked on them are unemployed. You flitterd your way through H1N1, Zeka, West Nile Virus, and Ebola. This world doesn't have to worry about a great tribulation or armageddon. Because everyone is riding the full blown stupid train. Oh, and don't worry about another country invading us, because they are just as stupid as we are.

There we go, Mr Hero American. I bet you stand akimbo as you say the above sentence. Do you wear a cape and keep repeating, "I'm batman." You taking precautions??? How stupid can we be??? Washing your hands? You mean to tell me you never washed your hands prior to 2020? You mean you been going all day without washing your hands? Newsflash, washing your hands isn't prevention my boy, because every joker around you doesn't wash their filthy mitts. matter of fact they pick their nose while they make your burger and fries. Preparing food should of been the first things they should of stopped, but they didn't. Homeless people kept soldiering on, the most contagious group of walking dead found in every city. spreading the disease. Social distancing???? What a laugh!!! Do you sleep 6 feet away from your wife? No matter how hard you try you can't stay 6 feet away from strangers all the time. Oh, but you are wearing a mask? You still have the largest organ on your body taking everything in, its the biggest filter. It is your skin!!!! Good grief I bet you hamsters never considered that, that is because you know nothing. Only what your godless media wants you to know.

It wont last long? Bro, this was done to us and we have lemmings like you to thank. We won't ever storm the Bastille, because we have you and Scott Pitta to tell us that eating cake is a good option. Brave New World is here buddy boy, and the churches failed miserably. Great tribulation, Antichrist Mark of the Beast??? My lands the churches would be first in line to do whatever they are told by the television, the internet, or whatever spew font pours on them. It won't last long? Sunny Jim, we deserve nothing but fire and fury upon this land, we deserve the wheels of iron crushing our pygmy skulls. Because the fear of God is not among us. Outrage isn't just dead in this country, but it has been cremated and thrown to the four corners of the wind. Church closings and live streaming nonsense. While the atheists looked on and nodded their heads. The church is a paper tiger, once again. Yeah Jfrong you wear your mask and wash your hands to make your little contribution to the masses. Continue to tell us to go along with CDC, because after all they love us and care about our best interest. The higher ups hate our guts, we are a blight on the land. If they could push a button and we all go away they'd press it already. history is a great teacher, it teaches us there is only two classes the haves and the have nots. Coronavirus, good luck with that, we swallowed the hook, and we will bleed a long time to come.
Seems to me the Pharisees in the bible were the only people I've ever heard about that were depicted as mocking someone more than you.
You better watch out before I blitzkrieg your thread cause I'm the Thread Nazi now!
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