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Old 05-29-2020, 10:07 AM
hometown guy hometown guy is offline
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Re: Trump Says Places of Worship Are ‘Essential Se

Originally Posted by Light View Post
Just a question for you.. How many times have you stoped by a abortion clinic and offered to save some poor woman’s child. I can guess not once. Your are the typical Christian you want to protect the fetus but the minute that fetus takes a life giving BREATH you want take food from the mother and you can care less about that child.
Now before you ask me what am I doing for the poor children.
The small church I pastor are taking care of 5 churches who have over a thousand orphans in Africa.
I’m sorry you told me what your church is doing but you haven’t told what you are doing ( btw I really don’t care what you do ) .. after you get the mote out of my eye I think you should look in the mirror... your post is off the wall... you have no clue what I do and don’t do .... and I guess I am one of them Christians that have never stopped by an abortion clinic but that has nothing to do with anything. Just curious When is the last time you stopped by gang infested are and went to the gangs members that they were wrong for murdering each other and tried to help them ... OH wait you must be one of them that don’t care about the little brothers and sisters that are on our church vans and the moms that lose their children to gun violence ... when is the last time you went and picked up phones at a suicide hotline to save people from taking their lives... oh wait you haven’t?? You must be one of those Christians that don’t care about the family...... get out of your self righteous mind set and realize we all don’t do the same things as long as we are doing what god calls us to do...
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