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Old 05-29-2020, 07:29 AM
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jediwill83 jediwill83 is offline
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Re: Music leaders-- please STOP with te Hillsong m

I remember reading a story when I was younger about a martyr about to be burned at the stake in England. The man was promised to be set free if he recanted and he refused. There was another man scheduled to be burned after the first and while waiting the second condemned asked the first that if while he was being burned, if His grace was indeed sufficient in those fires and in that pain...if God was still with him if he'd clap.

The man agreed and was led to the post, tied to it and the kindling was lit...he prayed, sang, hair fizzled off over his body, skin cracked and began to melt to the point where people assumed he had passed and then slowly with effort those blackened charred hands raised and clapped twice.

The second man was able to go to his execution with joy.

Now hows THAT for a worship service?

If you cant touch Him in times of peace because you're turned off and annoyed by beats n lyrics and sounds....

Just saying...there are martrys gonna be around that throne crying HOLY!!!!! HOLY!!!!!! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY THAT WAS AND IS AND IS TO COME BLESSED IS HE THAT SITTETH UPON THE THRONE!

They are going to be casting their crowns crying HOLY!

The last "beat" those people dealt with was the blows against their bodies as they were torn and ripped to shreds.

The last lyrics they heard were a "back beat" of noises of anger, rage and jeers from the mob blended with their own voices of praise in adoration....that was their last worship service.
Blessed are the merciful for they SHALL obtain mercy.
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