Originally Posted by n david
There’s a video showing a white truck swerving towards the protester, then turning into the church parking lot. An arrest warrant was issued for the driver but I haven’t read any update on it.
Doesn’t matter what precipitated the two actions. We’re supposed to have the HG and fruits of the spirit inside of us. The protester is a sinner doing what sinners do. There’s no excuse for especially a Pastor to do anything like that.
Originally Posted by james34
Exactly, it seems that the church has forgotten that the message of the Bible is perfection . Those that are Christs have crucified the flesh...if the flesh is alive we are not his.
Yah and they claim to be Christians .... I remember hearing about this one guy that claimed to be a follower of Jesus and then chopped off some dudes ear when they were arresting his closed friend.... you may have heard of him his name was peter.... I’m glad us Christians don’t mess up like all these men.