Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban
from Rev TS FB:
It's not persecution Daniel, if you just stop praying for 30 days.
It's not persecution 3 Hebrew boys, just bow to the king's image.
It's not persecution Esther, just say nothing and the Jews all die.
It's not persecution jochebed, just kill your baby boy Moses!
It's not persecution UPC, just close your church doors.
It's not persecution WPF, just comply with Government's orders.
It's not persecution AMF, just let the General board fetter your pulpits!
It's not persecution Pastor Spell, "stop preaching, you don't have the right."
It's not persecution Jeremiah, stop preaching or to the dungeon you go!
It's not persecution Micaiah, but if you don't lie you go to prison!
It's not persecution Rosa Parks, just give the white man your seat!
It's not persecution, everything's closed, SO WHAT? The church will never CLOSE! "The gates of Hell shall not Prevail."
Pastor Tony Spell