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Old 04-26-2020, 02:18 PM
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Re: Tony Spell has church in spite of the ban

Originally Posted by Pressing-On View Post
What Tony Spell should have done is to handle the situation like the pastors in Houston did when confronted, by the lesbian mayor, with having to hand in their sermons.

They got together, along with Senator Ted Cruz, and confronted the egregious demand.

Problem solved. Mayor stands down her attack on the church's 1st Amendment rights.

Spell should have had the support of ministers across the land in order to execute this without looking like a lunatic, apostolic, right-wing idiot.

His rights were not being taken away during a pandemic. Now that we have the data behind us, we can figure out what to do next.

There are strength in numbers. No one wants to follow a stubborn, hothead to any destination.
I see your point, but what if no one in his town wanted to conduct services? I haven't heard of any other churches in that area that had services.

I know that he came across as a hothead with the bus incident, but I could only imagine all that he has dealt with the last month and a half (name calling, ridicule and other persecution).

By the way, if you haven't watched today's service online, you should try and watch it. It was very powerful. I felt he did a great job laying out his position to continue conducting services.
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