Originally Posted by Walks_in_islam
Dude you people are so anxious to classify people into some little neat slot you’re falling over yourseves. Settle down.
Much simpler explanation: I know Woody Jenkins. He’s been to my house, been to his house.
He was a democrat at one time, then a republican. Ran for all kinds of things. But: He tied himself up with the extreme alt-right crowd back in the 80’s then blew his political career doing business with Duke. Last seen tied up with alt-right.
Used to run “equipment” down to Nicaragua for Reagan’s people. It was “charity”. You know ‘deep state’ types? Poster boy. Weirdo and mixed up with a lot of other shady weirdos. Ask Alexa LOL. All kinds of stuff out there on this dude.
Figured he’d be dead by now. He was old 40 years ago 😂
He’s a hack. Not weird that he’s dashing out articles in Central, La about crazy right wing preachers. Be right up his alley.
Charlie Wilson was a thirdish cousin of ours. That lot was all tied together.
So: What’s that got to do with white people sport? Except Wilson was from around Vidor/Lumberton?
Who do you people think you’re talking to here? Kid in a basement? LOL
I don't know Woody Jenkins and don't care and wasn't talking about him. Your comment about the town of Central, Louisiana sounded like quite the "neat little slot" you've classified a bunch of people into.
It's all rather tedious, honestly. I've discovered a Systema instructor whose concepts I've begun to analyze and incorporate into my kickboxing. I finally found a presentation of Systema that actually makes sense as it gels very nicely with what I learned in boxing and in my amateur hobby research over the last 15 years into xingyiquan. I find THAT way more interesting and edifying than arguing and trolling on the intardnets with people I don't know and likely never will know.
Now if I can just get my over the hill rear end to perfect my left side kick I'll really be gettin 'er dun.